Solar Astronomy

1997 Volga Space Plasma Physics Summer School Information
The purpose of these Summer Schools, held every second summer onboard a river cruise ship on the Volga and organised jointly by the Radiophysical Research Institute (NIRFI), Nizhniy Novgorod, Russia and the Uppsala Division of the Swedish Institute of Space Physics (IRFU), Uppsala, Sweden, is to give an introduction to modern space plasma physics by bringing together experienced researchers, young scientists and scholars in astrophysics, space physics and plasma physics for a fruitful exchange of ideas across areas of interest, language, culture and age barriers.
The topics covered include linear and non-linear plasma physics, waves and radiation phenomena in plasma, waves in random media and turbulence, planetary, solar and stellar coronal plasma, plasma under extreme conditions in space, space plasma radio emission, radio methods for investigating space plasma environments, and the use of the Earth's ionosphere and magnetosphere as a space plasma laboratory for model experiments simulating phenomena in other plasma environments.
A Report of the June 1983 Total Solar Eclipse
Report of the June 1983 Total Solar Eclipse, as viewed from Java, Indonesia.
Includes 5k JPEG image of the sun in totality.
Astronomical Dep. of University Of Thessaloniki
Astronomical Institute, Wroclaw University
Astronomical Institute of Wroclaw University, Poland Main fields of interest: Solar and Space Physics, Pulsating stars, Celestial Mechanics
Big Bear Solar Observatory ( BBSO )
This site contains daily images from our solar optical telescope at Big Bear, California. Fulldisk images for the current month. H-alpha, white light, and Ca-II K-line images are generally available for every observing day; Ca-II K-line fulldisk archive; H-alpha fulldisk archive; White light fulldisk archive; Current high-resolution region images; Programs to read FITS images on IBM PCs and Macintoshes.
Birmingham Solar Oscillations Network ( BiSON )
The current status of the Birmingham Solar Oscillations Network - a global network for helioseismology. Additionally some recent results and publications are available.
Catania Astrophysical Observatory ( OAC )
Daily solar images (chromosphere and photosphere)
CLUSTER, ESA's spacefleet to the magnetosphere
The Cluster mission of the European Space Agency is a four-spacecraft mission to carry out three-dimensional measurements in the Earth's magnetosphere, covering both large- and small-scale phenomena in the sunward and tail regions.
Cracow - Solar radio emission in dm wavelength
Continuous observations of solar radio emission in decimeter wavelength have been maintained in Cracow since 1957. Beginning from January 1995 we provide the reduced data on-line. The new instrument for solar radio observations is under construction. It is to start its operation in May, 1995.
Estación de Observación Solar / Solar Observational Station ( EOS )
The Astronomy Area of CIF-US (Center for Research on Physics/Universidad de Sonora, Hermosillo Sonora, Mexico), operates EOS (Estacion de Observacion Solar/Solar Observational Station), one of the two solar observatories in the country with an observational program of active regions at the continuum, and H-Alpha and Calcium lines, through a two-heliostat system and a 15 cm refractor telescope.
ETH Institute of Astronomy ( ETH Zurich )
Welcome to the Institute of Astronomy at ETH Zurich. There are three groups, working on different topics, namely: The Optical Solar Astrophysics Group The Stellar Astrophysics Group The Radio Astronomy Group
Global Oscillation Network Group ( GONG )
Haleakala Observatories ( Hawaii )
High Altitude Observatory ( HAO )
The following resources are similar (same sort-key, different text):
High Altitude Observatory ( HAO )
Today's Observatory program includes numerical simulation of convection, radiation transport, and large-scale dynamics in both the solar and terrestrial atmospheres, plus observational programs to measure the Sun's output of magnetized plasma and radiation over the 11 year sunspot cycle of the Sun.
Hiraiso Solar Terrestrial Research Center/CRL
Hiraiso Solar Terrestrial Research Center/CRL, Ibaraki, Japan. Serving space environment information inculding forecasts and alerts of solar flares and geomagnetic storms. Relating observed data are also available.
Institute of Theoretical Astrophysics ( ITA )
Information about scientific activities and staff members.
International Solar-Terrestrial Physics ( ISTP )
The International Solar-Terrestrial Physics (ISTP) Science Initiative Home Page provides information on ISTP missions, campaigns, and activities.
IPS Radio & Space Services ( IPS )
IPS is a unit of the Australian Government Department of Administrative Services and provides the Australian radio propagation and space environment services. Includes: Sydney Regional Warning Centre; Culgoora Solar Observatory; Learmonth Solar Observatory; Prediction Services; Consultancy Services
Joint Organization for Solar Observations ( JOSO )
Laboratory for Atmospheric and Space Physics ( LASP )
The Laboratory for Atmospheric and Space Physics is an institute of the Graduate School of the University of Colorado in Boulder, Colorado. Members of LASP conduct basic experimental and theoretical research into fundamental questions in the areas of planetary science, atmospheric composition and processes, and solar physics. Members of LASP also explore the potential uses and development of space operations and information systems as well as develop scientific instrumentation.
Mees Solar Observatory ( MSO, Hawaii )
Mount Wilson Observatory
The mountain is host to several ongoing observing projects using the onsite facilities. The observatory has two primary nighttime telescopes: the 60-inch telescope, built in 1908 is home to the HK Project and the Atmospheric Compensation Experiment; and the 100-inch (Hooker) telescope, built in 1917, which is available to the scientific community. Two solar observatories, the 60-foot tower telescope (operated by USC), and the 150-foot tower telescope (operated by UCLA) maintain long-term exploration of the magnetic activity behavior of the Sun. There are also two interferometers onsite: the Infrared Spatial Interferometer (ISI, operated by U.C. Berkeley), and the NRL Optical Interferometer. The Telescopes in Education (TIE) Project operates a 24" telescope, as well as the Snow Solar Telescope (built in 1904). Finally, a fully-robotic 32-inch Automatic Photoeletric Telescope (APT) is operated by Tennessee State University. New service of MWO Online Stargazer Map
National Solar Observatory ( NSO )
Synoptic Solar Magnetograms
Naval Research Laboratory Space Science Division ( NRL SSD )
Division scientists are involved in major research thrusts that include ultraviolet remote sensing of the upper atmosphere, studies of the solar atmosphere by using spectrographic techniques, and studies of atronomical radiation ranging from the ultraviolet through cosmic rays. This includes the mission operations and data analysis facilities for NRL's OSSE experiment on NASA's Compton Observatory. Contains links to Backgrounds Data Center, X-ray Astronomy Branch, Gamma and Cosmic Ray Astrophysics Branch, Solar Physics Branch, Coronal Physics Section, Far-Ultraviolet Cameras Experiment, and more.
Observatoire de Paris ( Meudon )
Paris Observatory This is the official server at Paris Observatory. You will find information about the activities of the Observatory, on departments, on its history, etc.
Phase-diverse speckle reconstruction of solar data ( PDS )
Award-winning paper: " Phase-diverse speckle reconstruction of solar data," by John H. Seldin and Richard G. Paxman, Environmental Research Institute of Michigan. --ABSTRACT-- Phase-diverse speckle imaging is a novel imaging modality that makes use of both speckle-imaging and phase-diversity concepts. A phase-diverse speckle data set consists of one conventional image and at least one additional image with known phase diversity for each of multiple atmospheric phase realizations. We demonstrate the use of a phase-diverse speckle data set collected at the Swedish Vacuum Solar Telescope on La Palma to overcome the effects of atmospheric turbulence and to restore a fine-resolution image of solar granulation. We present preliminary results of simultaneously reconstructing an object and a sequence of atmospheric phase aberrations from these data using a maximum-likelihood parameter-estimation framework. The consistency of the reconstructions is demonstrated using subsets of the sequence of images pairs.
RISE/PSPT newsletter ( PostScript )
Newsletter for the precision solar photometric telescope project, of the Sacramento Peak Observatory, a part of the National Solar Observatory (NSO) and the National Optical Astronomy Observatories (NOAO).
Sacramento Peak Observatory ( SPO, part of NSO )
Anonymous ftp
Solar and Heliospheric Observatory ( SOHO )
SOHO will be launched on 1995 October 31. The SOHO spacecraft is being built in Europe by an industry team led by Matra, and instruments are being provided by European and American scientists. Large radio dishes around the world which form NASA's DSN will be used to track the spacecraft beyond the Earth's orbit. Mission control will be based at GSFC in Maryland.
Solar Data Analysis Center ( SDAC )
The SDAC at NASA Goddard Space Flight Center serves current solar ground- and spaced-based imagery, text, figures, maps, and tables of NASA eclipse bulletins, solar flare data from the Compton GRO BATSE experiment and the Yohkoh spacecraft, and science operations planning information for the SOHO Science Working Team.... and more to come.
Solar Extreme-ultraviolet Rocket Telescope and Spectrograph ( SERTS )
The Solar Extreme-ultraviolet Rocket Telescope and Spectrograph (SERTS) instrument obtains spatially resolved spectra and spectroheliograms over a wide range of extreme ultraviolet (EUV) wavelengths characteristic of temperatures between 5x10^4-3x10^7K, providing information about the Sun's corona and upper transition region. Wavelength coverage is 170-450A with spectral resolution near 10000, spatial resolution as good as 5arcsec, and relative photometric accuracy within +/- 20% over most of its range. This page contains links to information about the instrument, a solar EUV line list between 170 and 450 A from the SERTS-89 flight, and a list of SERTS-related publications. Soon to be added is information about upcoming launches. Also included are links to other WWW servers relevant to solar astronomers.
Solar Information Center
The Solar Information Center provides access to the following services: SolarData: a community-based catalogue and online data service for Solar Physics research archives; SolarMail: an electronic mail service and personal information database for Solar Physics; Meetings: conferences, symposia, etc. on Solar Physics and related fields of interest; Positions: available in Solar Physics and closely related fields; SolarNews archive: an electronic newsletter for the solar community; Bulletin Board: a community bulletin board for temporary postings of timely information
Solar Physics at Dept.of Physics-Univ.Illes Balears ( U.I.B. (Spain )
Research in Solar Physics at the Physics Department of the Universitat de les Illes Balears (Spain)
Solar Terrestrial Dispatch ( STD )
The Solar Terrestrial Dispatch (STD) provides information regarding the state of the Sun and its effect on the Earth and the space environment near the Earth. The numerous services provided here are made possible through cooperation with the University of Lethbridge , who we gratefully acknowledge. STD's primary responsibility is to provide support and time-critical solar and geophysical information to institutions and individuals who require this information. For this purpose, we monitor solar and geophysical conditions in real-time and provide e-mail distribution of numerous services. We also supply many available solar and geophysical services through Anonymous FTP. and several finger servers: finger
Solar UV Atlas from HRTS ( HRTS data )
Through the generosity of Dr. Pål Brekke of the University of Oslo, the High Resolution Spectrograph and Telescope (HRTS) ultraviolet solar atlas is now available on the Web. Click here for more information.
Solar Workshops ( an Italian list )
Solar, Auroral, Ionospheric, ... Information ( Univ. Lethbridge, Alberta, Canada )
Solar Imagery (mirrored from SELSIS/BBSO)-updated once every three hours; Daily Reports of Ionospheric Data containing M(3000), foF2, MUF(3000), and TEC; East-West Solar Interferometer Scan Images from the Algonquin Radio Observatory 32-Element Interferometer; Weekly Solar Terrestrial Forecast and Review Reports; Daily GOES-6 and 7 X-ray Plots as well as special high-resolution xray plots of major flares; Daily NSO solar coronal line emission plots; Daily Pseudo-Full-Disk solar coronal maps of the coronal Fe XIV and Ca XV ion lines from the NSO; and more... - README
Solar-Terrestrial Physics Home Page ( STP )
Solar-Terrestrial Physics Division of the National Geophysical Data Center home page. Includes several various STP disciplines within the Center: geomagentism, Iononosphere, Solar and Upper Atmosphere, and two satellte programs: GOES and DMSP.
Space Environment Laboratory
The Space Environment Laboratory of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration provides near real-time monitoring and forecasting of the environment between the sun and the earth. Our WWW server features Today's Solar Weather with current solar images, xray and proton plots from GOES satellites, and the latest forecast of solar-terrestrial conditions.
Space Mechanics Group Home Page ( Space Mechanics Group - Pisa )
Space Mechanics Group, Department of Mathematics, University of Pisa, ITALY. This home page gives access to: People (personal home pages) Resarch projects (subject home pages) Publications lists Data bases: asteroid proper elements (ftp server) Announcements of meetings We belong to European Asteroid Research Node Related information - pointers to other groups A preprint facility is in preparation A practical information facility (how to reach us, etc.) is in preparation
Sunspot community newspaper (full text in PostScript format)
THE Star ( ISPCS )
The Italian Solar Physics Community Server is an experimental WWW server intended to collect all the relevant information on Solar Physics Activities and Resources in Italy as well as on international scientific collaborations in ground-based projects, such as THEMIS and LEST, and in space missions, such as SOHO.
Torun Radio Astronomy Observatory ( TRAO )
Torun Radio Astronomy Observatory (TRAO) is an educational and research facility to study the Universe by means of radio waves. The Observatory is a part of the Faculty of Physics and Astronomy of Nicolaus Copernicus University.
Views Of The Solar System
Views of the Solar System has been created as an educational tour of the solar system. It contains images and information about the Sun, planets, moons, asteroids, comets and meteoroids found within the solar system. The image processing for many of the images was done by Calvin J. Hamilton.
Wilcox Solar Observatory (Stanford Univ.) ( WSO )
Contains a solar physics database, currently only holds information from Wilcox observatory, but will soon become site of a National Solar Database and will hold much more data from many different sites. - README
Yohkoh Satellite. ISAS, Japan ( description at UCL, UK )
Yohkoh (" Sunbeam" in Japanese) is a satellite of the Japanese Institute of Space and Astronautical Science (ISAS) dedicated to high-energy observations of the Sun, specifically of flares and other coronal disturbances
Zurich Solar Radio Spectrometer
The Radio Astronomy Group (RAG) of ETH in Zurich, Switzerland recorded solar radio spectrograms with an analog spectrometer called Daedalus(1974-1993) in the range of 100-1000 MHz. Its observation list can be accessed directly. Two digital spectrometers, IKARUS (1978--1985) and PHOENIX (1988 to the present), cover a range from 100--1000 MHz and 0.1--3 GHz, respectively. Their observation list contains references to frequency programs indicating what frequency was observed. More information can be obtained from a RAG member.

Updated on 96/9/16 8:38 GMT by Sergio Paoli